Roof damage

Understanding Why Your Company’s Roof is Leaking

If your company’s roof is leaking, it might be time to investigate the source of the problem. Roofs on commercial buildings can age differently due to various factors such as exposure to sunlight and elements like trees or other buildings that can provide shade. Even minor deterioration or damage, such as blisters, punctures, penetrations, open laps, and loose or missing fasteners can cause leaks if left unchecked. Let’s look at a few more reasons why your company’s roof may be leaking.

Roofing Materials Deteriorating Over Time

The materials used for your building’s roof can deteriorate over time due to exposure to elements like rain and wind. This means that any gaps in the material itself can become larger until there is enough space for water to flow through and into the building. This is why regular maintenance of the roofing material should be done to ensure that any small gaps are sealed before they become major problems.

Lack of Maintenance

If you have neglected maintenance of your roof, this may lead to further damage and ultimately leaks. Regular maintenance is key in order to identify minor issues before they become major ones that require costly repairs. Additionally, routine inspections help make sure all parts of the roof are properly sealed and free from debris that could potentially block drainage systems or lead to clogs in gutters and downspouts.

Poor Installation Process

The installation process also plays a role in whether or not your company’s roof will leak in the future. If it was not installed correctly, then there will likely be issues with how well it holds up against weather conditions and potential damage from outside sources like tree branches falling onto the roof during storms or high winds. It is important to make sure all components were properly installed before signing off on an installation job so that you don’t end up with problems down the line.

M&R Roofing and Construction understands why your company’s roof may be leaking and how serious these issues can be for businesses alike. We take pride in our ability to diagnose even complicated problems quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to worry about ongoing costly repairs or replacements when it comes to your commercial building’s roofing needs! Contact us today for more information about our services!

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